Placing a splash of color to brighten up your kitchen
You don’t have to completely remodel your kitchen to have a brand new kitchen feel. Why not just change up some hardware and the backsplash? Changing the backsplash in your kitchen can completely modernize your kitchen while not having the cost of a complete remodel. Modern trends now are to not have the boring old 4″x4″ titles any more, so you want to look at mosaic tiles both solid and different shades, patterns with different shapes, or even a focal point wall behind the oven or sink.
This Bath & Kitchen Tile Trend Shining Glass Tile Mosaics from Trend is a great example of how you can take a plain white kitchen and highlight natural beauty from the glass title. With the neutral colors and natural wood accents, this marbled title backsplash makes this kitchen warm and bright. These semi-transparent molten glass mosaic tesserae present an iridescent effect, they come in 1″x 1″ or 2″x2″ titles for easy assembly. So don’t worry, you won’t have to place each individual piece at a time. Making a your backsplash a mosaic accent piece is a great to bring out the rest of the beautiful pieces existing in your kitchen.

Subway titles are a beautiful way to title a kitchen’s backslash. These gorgeous AKDO’s Origin Birch White ceramic tiles offer spaces a crisp, white backdrop upon which to add personal touches that will add light to dark kitchens. You can keep the tiles solid or add a complimentary color runner through and section your new backsplash. You can either have the glass title go all the way the wall or section it off to go up to a certain point and then have paint, wall paper, or a different title continue up the wall if you have a more open cabinet wall plan. Adding light color glass as the background is a beautiful way to highlight some of the richer features of your kitchen.

One of my personal favorite things to do with a backsplash is to create a massive focal point with title. You can have a simple kind of title through out a kitchen, and then right above an open area like a stove or sink create a one of a kind center piece like this master piece by Marazzi Tile. If you have a more rustic kitchen you can even add a country barn scene, or and Italian countryside.
When creating art as the back drop to your kitchen anything is possible. So don’t be afraid to create something extremely unique, or even something simple chic and elegant. Come browse through our showroom for amazing selection of glass and stone tiles for your one of kind kitchen that you will want to live in and enjoy!